Entertainment Robots are becoming increasingly popular with typical applications in interactive communication for marketing and domestic services

Entertainment Robots are becoming increasingly popular with typical applications in interactive communication for marketing and domestic services

Entertainment Robots or simulated intelligent systems can be used in a wide variety of industrial applications and industries. The basic function of such robots is to provide fun and exciting activities for users. In this context, it may be meant to perform simple activities such as waving, cheering, and cheering for a particular team during games. Such activities may also involve dancing or even running on a specific course. In the case of manufacturing industries, entertainment robotic systems can be used for tasks such as controlling and managing different roving robots, welding, cutting, etc. For this purpose, industrial robotic software is programmed. For robotic applications in the human sphere, an entertainment robotic system is installed which provides various entertaining activities to users.

The most interesting application of this technology lies in its ability to learn from experience. For instance, it learns from its own mistakes and in the process proves itself a better human. A recent innovation in entertainment robots is Sophia. This robot was developed by Motorola Solutions. It is a remote-assistance robot, capable of performing tasks such as picking up objects, loading and retrieving objects from the storage, picking up and putting the items back in the storage, and opening doors. Besides these common tasks, Sophia also recognizes the presence of other robots and humans and acts accordingly.

The scope of entertainment robots is massive. There are situations when simple robots doing a particular task are insufficient. They help in overcoming this situation by enabling robots to take over these simple and routine tasks and perform them with efficiency. However, the scope of using entertainment robots is very limited. Thus, the first step to use an EMR or an ERP system would be to install robots that can do more than just simple tasks. Such robots should have the capability to handle complicated problems.

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