Aspergillosis, an infection caused by the Aspergillus fungus, is a relatively common infection. Typically, Aspergillus fungus grows on dead leaves and rotting vegetation. Though not all cases of Aspergillus show clinical signs or outcomes, the infection can be fatal in as many as 40% of untreated cases. The aspergillosis treatment market contains wide-ranging products and varies from simple over-the-counter treatments to complex and surgical debriding.
The traditional approach to treating aspergillosis involves taking pills. Aspergillus treatment pills contain ingredients that mimic the effect of beneficial bacteria, thus boosting the immune system. This approach allows doctors to treat aspergillosis relatively simply and safely and without having to worry about side effects. Some treatment methods also involve taking antibiotics to eliminate the infection's active yeast component, reducing the chances that the body will build up immunity to the drug. Aspergillosis can also be treated by draining large and difficult-to-reach fissures in the chest wall, although this approach has not been proven to have any significant effect on aspergillosis symptoms or rates of death. Adoption of such approaches is expected to aid in the growth of the aspergillosis treatment market.
The availability of several treatment options is also expected to aid in the growth of the aspergillosis treatment market. There are several other treatment options, depending upon the severity of the case and the presence of other symptoms. Acid blockers may help to relieve chest pains and congestion, as well as other symptoms such as fever and shortness of breath. Antibiotics may also prove useful in the long run, particularly in cases where there is no other bacterial infection causing the symptoms. In more severe cases, steroids or injected steroids can reduce Aspergillosis symptoms, although these methods are not without side effects.
In more extreme cases, where aspergillosis symptoms are proving fatal, doctors may choose to perform surgery. If all else fails, surgical procedures such as pneumonectomy and heart transplantation can be undertaken. The invasive procedures used to treat Aspergillosis are generally reserved for severely affected patients whose condition has not been effectively managed through the use of topical or oral treatments, and for patients whose aspergillus spores have become resistant to conventional remedies.
The most effective treatment of aspergillosis begins long before it reaches an advanced stage. A patient needs to take preventative Aspergillosis treatment until he or she shows any Aspergillosis symptoms. Once aspergillosis reaches an advanced stage, a combination of medicinal drugs and surgical intervention is usually necessary to successfully cure the infection.
The high prevalence of AIDS is expected to aid in the growth of the aspergillosis treatment market. It is vital to identify and treat an infected individual early on, as Aspergillosis if left untreated, can result in death. All people with compromised immune systems are at risk of contracting aspergillosis, regardless of their medical history. People with AIDS are particularly at high risk of contracting aspergillosis, due to their increased susceptibility to other opportunistic infections. However, people with immunocompromising conditions including HIV should also ensure that they receive treatment through the appropriate aspergillosis treatment options.