Mobile health apps and solutions are designed to offer health-related services for PCs, tablets, smartphones, and other communication devices. Mobile health is a rapidly expanding field of digital healthcare, providing healthcare support, delivery, and intervention through wearables, tablets, and smartphones. Mobile health is gaining steam among consumers as Google and Apple offer an array of mobile Health apps and solutions. Some of the top mHealth applications available on the market are GoogleFit, Fitbit, Samsung Health, and Apple Heart Study.
While some common categories of mobile health apps and solutions include; hospital selection and appointment tracking, menstrual period tracking, stress and relaxation, pregnancy, sleep cycle, meditation, diabetes management, diet and nutrition, weight loss coaching, sports and fitness activity tracking, chronic illness, etc. The mobile health app market has been growing steadily over the past few years. According to IQVIA, there are now over 318,000 health apps available in app stores worldwide.
Mobile health (mHealth) is a term denoting the field of public health and medicine supported by mobile devices. The use of this term implies that the devices have mobility, thus enabling people to be able to seek treatment wherever they may be. Mobile health apps and solutions are often provided by healthcare service providers. As the U.S. healthcare system transforms its healthcare delivery model to improve health outcomes and increase healthcare accessibility, it is undergoing changes in the context of ever-increasing disease burdens and healthcare costs.
Mobile health apps and solutions, such as weight loss apps - record progress and fitness gains, pregnancy apps - track baby's growth, and diabetes apps - monitor blood sugar levels. Other apps and solutions aim to help healthcare professionals improve and facilitate patient care. The most common application of mHealth is the use of mobile devices to educate consumers about preventive healthcare services. These apps are intended to be used in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.