Robotic Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Are Advanced Medical Prosthetics That Are Used For Helping Amputees

Robotic Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Are Advanced Medical Prosthetics That Are Used For Helping Amputees

Robotic rehabilitation and assistive technologies are sued all over the world, including in regions in APAC. Robotic rehabilitation and assistive technologies are a discipline of medicine devoted to enhancing rehabilitation through the use of prosthetic, artificial devices. This medical specialty has been around for decades and continues to grow. With advances in technology and science, the scope of this field has grown as well. This growing field paves the way for advancements in prosthetics, such as fully robotic prosthetic limbs. These advances may one day allow a person to regain mobility and function that were lost due to injury or age.

There are many uses for robotic rehabilitation and assistive technologies across the healthcare spectrum. Some of these uses are to simply help the patient live a more comfortable and independent life, while others are for more specific purposes. One such use is to improve the functionality of those who are visually impaired. Increasing cases of amputees in APAC regions such as India has increased the requirements for robotic rehabilitation and assistive technologies. For instance, according to Quartz, India has more than half a million amputee cases in 2019, and around 10,000 are added to the population annually.

One of the greatest benefits of robotic rehabilitation and assistive technologies is that they can help a person regain function and independence. These technologically assisted machines are able to provide strength, stability, and flexibility to the injured. In the past, physical therapists have had to manually perform a variety of tasks, such as applying topical anesthetics and transferring weights and loads to the limbs of patients. Often, they also had to endure tremendous pain and suffered from a loss of control. However, with the advances in this field, physical therapists can be much less effective and may no longer have to do all the work themselves.

Some of these robotic rehabilitation and assistive technologies are capable of much more extensive tasks than simple manual transfer. They include assisting with spinal cord stimulation, which helps to enhance the functions and movement after a traumatic stroke. Robotic limbs can also be used to treat patients who have suffered strokes due to a lack of oxygen. Oxygen deprivation typically results in severe neurological damage and can lead to paralysis. A bionic device allows a patient to regain some of the functions they have previously lost.

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