Autonomous Car Market is Likely to Experience a Tremendous Growth in Near Future


An Autonomous car is one that can sense its surroundings and operate without the need for human intervention. At no point is a human passenger required to assume control of the car, nor is a human passenger required to be present in the vehicle at all. A Autonomous automobile can go anywhere a traditional car can go and accomplish everything a skilled human driver can do.

The real promise of Autonomous automobiles is their ability to drastically reduce CO2 emissions. Experts identified three trends in a recent study that, if implemented simultaneously, would unleash the full potential of autonomous vehicles: vehicle automation, vehicle electrification, and ridesharing. By 2050, these "three urban transportation revolutions" could:

 1.     Congestion should be reduced (30 percent fewer vehicles on the road)

2.     Costs of transportation have been reduced by 40%. (in terms of vehicles, fuel, and infrastructure)

3.     Improve the walkability and livability of your neighbourhood.

4.     Allow parking lots to be used for other purposes (schools, parks, community centers)

5.     Reduce CO2 emissions in cities by 80% globally.

The Autonomous cars market is being spurred by government initiatives and policies that encourage the technology. Government agencies are partnering with automakers to speed up advancements in the field of driverless vehicles. The UK government established the UK Autodrive project in 2016, which is a distinct group that is actively testing automated vehicle systems. The government and auto industry leaders are working together to support the initiative. Furthermore, the industry will be driven by regulatory authorities' and customers' increased worries about safety in order to protect vehicles and passengers.

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